INTRODUCTION This is the C++ implementation of the folded hierarchy of classifiers for cat detection described in F. Fleuret and D. Geman, "Stationary Features and Cat Detection", Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 2008, to appear. Please cite this paper when referring to this software. INSTALLATION This program was developed on Debian GNU/Linux computers with the following main tool versions * GNU bash, version 3.2.39 * g++ 4.3.2 * gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 4 If you have installed the RateMyKitten images provided on in the source directory, everything should work seamlessly by invoking the ./ script. It will * Compile the source code entirely * Generate the "pool file" containing the uncompressed images converted to gray levels, labeled with the ground truth. * Run 20 rounds of training / test (ten rounds for each of HB and H+B detectors with different random seeds) You can also run the full thing with the following commands if you have wget installed wget tar zxvf folding-gpl.tgz cd folding wget tar zxvf rmk.tgz ./ Note that every one of the twenty rounds of training/testing takes more than three days on a powerful PC. However, the script detects already running computations by looking at the presence of the corresponding result directory. Hence, it can be run in parallel on several machines as long as they see the same result directory. When all or some of the experimental rounds are over, you can generate the ROC curves by invoking the ./ script. You are welcome to send bug reports and comments to PARAMETERS To set the value of a parameter during an experiment, just add an argument of the form --parameter-name=value before the commands that should take into account that value. For every parameter below, the default value is given between parenthesis. * niceness (5) Process priority * random-seed (0) Global random seed * pictures-for-article ("no") Should the pictures be generated to be clear in b&w * pool-name (no default) Where are the data to use * test-pool-name (no default) Should we use a separate pool file, and ignore proportion-for-test then. * detector-name ("default.det") Where to write or from where to read the detector. * result-path ("/tmp/") In what directory should we save all the produced file during the computation. * loss-type ("exponential") What kind of loss to use for the boosting. While different loss are implementer in the code, only the exponential has been thoroughly tested. * nb-images (-1) How many images to process in list_to_pool or when using the write-pool-images command. * tree-depth-max (1) Maximum depth of the decision trees used as weak learners in the classifier. * proportion-negative-cells-for-training (0.025) Overall proportion of negative cells to use during learning (we sample among them) * nb-negative-samples-per-positive (10) How many negative cell to sample for every positive cell during training. * nb-features-for-boosting-optimization (10000) How many pose-indexed features to use at every step of boosting. * force-head-belly-independence (no) Should we force the independence between the two levels of the detector (i.e. make an H+B detector) * nb-weak-learners-per-classifier (10) This parameter corresponds to the value U in the JMLR paper, and should be set to 100. * nb-classifiers-per-level (25) This parameter corresponds to the value B in the JMLR paper. * nb-levels (1) How many levels in the hierarchy, this is 2 for the JMLR paper experiments. * proportion-for-train (0.5) The proportion of scenes from the pool to use for training. * proportion-for-validation (0.25) The proportion of scenes from the pool to use for estimating the thresholds. * proportion-for-test (0.25) The proportion of scenes from the pool to use to test the detector. * write-validation-rocs ("no") Should we compute and save the ROC curves estimated on the validation set during training. * write-parse-images ("no") Should we save one image for every test scene with the resulting alarms. * write-tag-images ("no") Should we save the (very large) tag images when saving the materials. * wanted-true-positive-rate (0.5) What is the target true positive rate. Note that this is the rate without post-processing and without pose tolerance in the definition of a true positive. * nb-wanted-true-positive-rates (10) How many true positive rates to visit to generate the pseudo-ROC. * min-head-radius (25) What is the radius of the smallest heads we are looking for. * max-head-radius (200) What is the radius of the largest heads we are looking for. * root-cell-nb-xy-per-radius (5) What is the size of a (x,y) square cell with respect to the radius of the head. * pi-feature-window-min-size (0.1) What is the minimum pose-indexed feature windows size with respect to the frame they are defined in. * nb-scales-per-power-of-two (5) How many scales do we visit between two powers of two. * progress-bar ("yes") Should we display a progress bar. COMMANDS open-pool train-detector compute-thresholds test-detector sequence-test-detector write-detector read-detector write-pool-images -- Francois Fleuret October 200