(* -*- mode: tuareg -*- ******************************************************) (* *) (* Written by and (c) Francois Fleuret, 2002 *) (* Contact for info and bug reports *) (* *) (* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *) (* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation. See the file LICENSE for more details. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) let buffer_length = 4096 exception Network_error of string let bytes_of_int n = let s = "0000" in String.set s 3 (char_of_int (n land 255)); String.set s 2 (char_of_int ((n lsr 8) land 255)); String.set s 1 (char_of_int ((n lsr 16) land 255)); String.set s 0 (char_of_int ((n lsr 24) land 255)); s;; let int_of_bytes s = try int_of_char (String.get s 3) + 256 * (int_of_char (String.get s 2) + 256 * (int_of_char (String.get s 1) + 256 * int_of_char (String.get s 0))) with _ -> -1;; (* What a shame that I have to do this ... *) let dot_to_number s = let rec decode_rec k = try let l = String.index_from s k '.' in (int_of_string (String.sub s k (l-k)))::(decode_rec (l+1)) with Not_found -> [ int_of_string (String.sub s k ((String.length s) - k)) ] in let k = List.fold_left (fun x y -> Int64.add (Int64.mul (Int64.of_int 256) x) (Int64.of_int y)) Int64.zero (decode_rec 0) in Int64.to_string k;; let connect (hostname: string) (port: int) = try let s = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in Unix.connect s (Unix.ADDR_INET(((Unix.gethostbyname hostname).Unix.h_addr_list).(0), port)); s with Not_found -> raise (Network_error("Unknown host " ^ hostname)) | Unix.Unix_error(e, fname, fparam) -> raise (Network_error(fname ^ ": " ^ Unix.error_message(e))) let listen port = try let s = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in Unix.bind s (Unix.ADDR_INET(Unix.inet_addr_any, port)); Unix.listen s 4; s with Unix.Unix_error(e, fname, fparam) -> raise (Network_error(fname ^ ": " ^ Unix.error_message(e))) type rstream = { rdescr: Unix.file_descr; buffer: string; mutable pos: int } let read_lines (rc: rstream) (reader: string -> unit) = try (* We read as much available characters as we can to fill up the buffer *) let s = Unix.read rc.rdescr rc.buffer rc.pos (buffer_length - rc.pos) in if s <= 0 then raise (Network_error((string_of_int s) ^ " character(s) read")) else rc.pos <- rc.pos + s; (* the 'read' function applies the reader to the new lines we got, starting at character 'current' *) let rec read current = try (* if we are already after the end, finish *) if(current >= rc.pos) then raise Not_found; (* Look for a \n in the remaining part of the buffer *) let cr = (String.index_from rc.buffer current '\n') in (* If it is afte`r the 'fresh' data, it means we do not have \n remaining, raise a Not_found *) if (cr >= rc.pos) then raise Not_found; (* We have found a \n, applies the reader to the line it ends *) reader (String.sub rc.buffer current (cr - current)); read (cr+1) with (* No more lines in the buffer *) Not_found -> (* moves the remaining characters to the beginning of the buffer *) if(current < rc.pos) then String.blit rc.buffer current rc.buffer 0 (rc.pos - current); (* refreshes the index where to put next incoming characters *) rc.pos <- (rc.pos - current); in read 0 with Unix.Unix_error(e, fname, fparam) -> raise (Network_error (fname ^ ": " ^ (Unix.error_message e))) let linizer = fun (d: Unix.file_descr) (reader: string -> unit) () -> read_lines { rdescr = d; buffer = String.create buffer_length; pos = 0 } reader;; let read_binary (fd: Unix.file_descr) (reader: string -> unit) = try let buffer = String.create buffer_length in let s = Unix.read fd buffer 0 buffer_length in if s <= 0 then raise (Network_error((string_of_int s) ^ " character(s) read")); reader (String.sub buffer 0 s) with Unix.Unix_error(e, fname, fparam) -> raise (Network_error (fname ^ ": " ^ (Unix.error_message e)));; let binarizer = fun (d: Unix.file_descr) (reader: string -> unit) () -> read_binary d reader;; (******************************************************************************) (* A tokenizer takes a string and a separator and returns two functions *) (* unit -> string, the first returning the tokens one after another, and the *) (* second returning the remaining part of the string. *) (******************************************************************************) let (tokenizer: string -> char -> (unit -> string) * (unit -> string)) = fun line c -> let index = ref 0 in let token () = let n = !index in try let m = (String.index_from line n c) in index := m + 1; while !index < (String.length line) && (String.get line !index = c) do index := !index+1; done; String.sub (line) n (m - n) with Not_found -> if !index < (String.length line) then begin index := (String.length line); String.sub (line) n (!index - n) end else raise Not_found and tail () = if !index < (String.length line) then let n = !index in (index := (String.length line); String.sub (line) n (!index - n)) else raise Not_found in (token, tail);;